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What Not to Put in Your CV: Must-Read!

Hired or Ignored chalk writing

Let's dive into the content of your CV. How do you make a strong first impression without even meeting the recruiter or hiring manager?

I have put together a list of the MOST COMMON MISTAKES and HOW TO AVOID THEM:

1. Making your CV too long — The employer only wants to see information about you that is related to the job you are applying for. You are not supposed to submit a novel. If the recruiter looks at the first 2 pages and does not see that you are qualified, then they will not be persuaded to shortlist you even if there are 4 more pages left to read.

2. Format is out of this world — Unless you are applying for a digital marketing or design role, your CV should not look artsy or over-the-top. Keep it sophisticated and clean. Choose a simple font to make it easy to read. It should be consistent throughout the document and submit it in a recognizable file format, such as Word or PDF.

3. You fail to tailor your CV to the role — Sometimes, applicants become too excited to apply so they just send the same CV to 10 different employers. Tailoring your CV means that you highlight skills and responsibilities which are specifically related to the job ads you are applying for. It should not be "one size fits all" when you are applying for different jobs or companies.

4. Incorrect information — This is common - you have already resigned but your CV shows that you are still working for the same company until now, or dates from previous to current jobs do not match. Incorrect phone number & old email addresses as well as grammar and spelling mistakes can also cost you an opportunity to land a job. The key is to review and double check your CV before you send it to employers.

5. Unemployment gaps — Long gaps in between jobs can be viewed negatively. If you have done freelance work or became self-employed for a time, you may group those roles and indicate the inclusive dates so you don't have to leave it up to the employer to assume that you did nothing during those times. If you have taken further studies, do the same thing and declare the period you were in school.

There are other things you need to consider but ultimately, all the information in your CV should be true and correct so that when you finally get the chance to be interviewed, you will be confident answering questions because you know your CV by heart.

Hope you land your dream job soon!


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