Sep 26, 20248 min read
Building a Fortress
The article below was first written in March 2017 as part of my weekly article series. It hit a nerve (in a good way!) among Frontline...
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Sep 26, 20242 min read
Offshoring vs Outsourcing: What's the Difference? Why It Matters for Your Accounting Firm
Imagine a bloke by the name of Brian. Brian is an ex- ‘muso’, who decides to start an accounting firm – let's call it ACDC Accountants  –...
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Sep 26, 20242 min read
How do you make sure that your interests, your staff members' interests, and those of your BPO are aligned?
I met up with a firm in Perth last week. They had been offshoring for two years and, until recently, were very happy with their BPO...
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